young man at office desk reading a letter with concernFiling for bankruptcy is just one option for getting out of mountainous debt that seems to have no end. Thankfully, it is not the only option available to you. There are a few things you can do before filing for bankruptcy. Consulting a team of bankruptcy lawyers like McElrath Legal Holdings, LLC. is a great step in getting rid of your financial woes. Here are more tips you should consider before filing for bankruptcy.

Credit Counseling
Before filing for bankruptcy, you will need to complete credit counseling and obtain a certificate after completion. A bankruptcy law firm in Pittsburgh, PA like McElrath Legal Holdings, LLC. can help you with credit counseling and financial planning. With over 17 years of experience with financial advising, the legal team is sure to be able to help you with your debt.

Inform Your Debt Collectors and Creditors
If you and a reputable attorney determine that bankruptcy is the best option for your debt, the next step would be to contact all creditors and debt collectors that you are filing for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy law requires these entities to refrain from making collections efforts (such as making phone calls and sending letters) once the bankruptcy petition is successfully filed in court.